Whispers of Love Bouquet – Long Stem Red Roses Arrangement


This bouquet is perfect for Valentine’s day celebration, commemorating anniversaries, birthdays, or any other milestone moment in your relationship. Whether you choose to surprise your partner or send it as a gift to someone special, the Whispers of Love Bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression.

With its stunning aesthetics and timeless appeal, this arrangement is a symbol of love and devotion. It conveys emotions that words often fail to express. The Whispers of Love Bouquet is a gift that speaks directly to the heart, leaving a lasting impression and creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Category: Hand Tied Bouquet, Roses


The Whispers of Love Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of long stem red roses. Each rose is hand-selected for its vibrant color and impeccable beauty. This bouquet is a timeless expression of love, ideal for special occasions or simply to convey your feelings to a cherished recipient.

The bouquet features a bed of lush green leaves that serve as the backdrop for the bold red roses. The long stems are elegantly wrapped in a satin ribbon, adding an extra touch of sophistication. The arrangement is carefully crafted to create a sense of balance and harmony, with each rose delicately placed to create a cascading effect.

The Whispers of Love Bouquet is not just a visual delight, but it also offers an olfactory experience. The roses emit a sweet and captivating fragrance that fills the air with romance and passion. The scent lingers, leaving a lasting reminder of love and affection.


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