The “Le Fleur Garden Mix Bouquet” encapsulates the essence of a blossoming garden with its rich assortment of garden roses. Each rose in this bouquet is carefully selected, creating a lush, multi-dimensional visual feast. Garden roses are known for their delightful fragrance and intricate petal structure, making them a standout choice for any floral arrangement.
This bouquet combines various shades of garden roses, ranging from deep, romantic reds to soft, enchanting pinks, and creamy whites, each adding its own layer of depth and emotion to the ensemble. The result is a bouquet that not only captivates with its aesthetic appeal but also evokes a sense of timeless elegance and classic beauty.
Please note: we are keeping the privilege to substitute some flowers depends on the season and availability.
Please place your order at least 24 hours in advance.
<ul> <li>flowers</li> <li>ranunculus</li> <li>roses</li> </ul>
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