A bouquet of 100 white long stem roses in the vase is a stunning display of elegance and purity. Each rose is meticulously hand-selected for its flawless beauty and pristine color. The sight of this abundant bouquet sets a serene ambiance, instantly capturing attention and creating an atmosphere of tranquility.
The fragrance emitted by these white roses is delicate, sweet, and soothing, filling the air with a gentle and inviting aroma. Their silky petals are soft to the touch, exuding a sense of tenderness and grace.
This magnificent arrangement is capable of conveying various emotions and messages. White roses symbolize deep love, reverence, and admiration. They are often associated with new beginnings, purity, and innocence, making them an ideal choice for weddings or to celebrate a new chapter in life.
Please note: we are keeping the privilege to substitute some flowers depends on the season and availability.
Please place your order at least 24 hours in advance.
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