

The Felicity bouquet is an exquisite masterpiece that captures the beauty of light-colored flowers beautifully wrapped for presentation with chick. Its gentle and serene aesthetic makes it an ideal choice for various occasions, including birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or to simply brighten someone’s day.

Category: Hand Tied Bouquet, Roses


This bouquet is a harmonious arrangement of light-hued flowers that exude a sense of grace and elegance. Delicate pastel shades are beautifully blended together, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The soft colors gently interact with each other, bringing a sense of harmony and balance to the bouquet.

Nestled among the regular and spray roses are dainty sprigs of wax flowers, with their delicate white blooms symbolizing purity and everlasting love. These tiny flowers add a lovely texture and depth to the bouquet, enhancing its overall charm.

Completing the ensemble are sprightly accents provided by fresh limonium and stock flowers. Not only do they add aesthetic appeal, but their refreshing scent also adds a touch of nature and invigorates the senses.

Please note: we are keeping the privilege to substitute some flowers depending on the season and availability.

Please place your order at least 24 hours in advance.


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